Slender Lasers. Best Prices, Guaranteed.
Dial 1-888-547-5296


In the event that you need a trial before you buy, at the moment we are offering a once-in-a-lifetime trial offer for each customer/business for some of our commercial-grade machines. If you still see this webpage up, that implies the try-and-buy offer is still up and valid. Our try-and-buy option is likely to run for a limited time and could end any day (and is available for a select few brands, not all). So if you are at all interested to go ahead, we suggest you move fast before this offer disappears. Sorry, we don't meant to rush you, but cannot avoid mentioning the ground reality either.

To get started, please call up our phone number 1-888-547-5296 and ask for Ed.

Note: For financing, we have easy and simple options as also mentioned here (click here) - please call us at 1-888-547-5296 and ask for Ed to discuss further. However, the financing option will stay for long (unlike the try-and-buy that might end any day soon and is also dependent upon manufacturers agreeing to continue this special opportunity with us). The financing option is not related with the try-and-buy offer. Again, please call us if you need any further clarification.

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