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The Three Generations: Classification of Lipo Laser Machines

Lipo laser and LED machinery have greatly changed over the years. Each generation surpassed the previous models and are identified by how many wavelengths each paddle diode could produce. It is true that these generations of laser and LED machines have recognizable similarities, but the main difference is determined by the power (strength), which is defined by the laser wavelength produced.

Let's discuss the distinctive traits of each generation of lipo laser machines. This will allow you to see the evolution that took place.

First Generation: This is the initial generation of lipo laser machines. The wavelength in these machines was higher than later models. The average wavelength was approximately 670 nm. While it is not as strong as current lipo laser and LED machinery, the first generation inspired and engendered future models to become more effective.

Second Generation: The second generation progressed into creating lower wavelengths, but higher strength and efficiency. The production of wavelengths decreased to 650 nm. Although numerous businesses continue to utilize these older machines, clients have been pleased with the successful results. The second generation machines used potent lasers, which is why many businesses still use this generation as newer generations are released to the public.

Third Generation: This generation birthed the most innovative and powerful lipo lasers and LEDs. The wavelength of 635 nm allowed these machines to swiftly and precisely fulfill the main goal of incinerating fat and constrict skin.

As noted, lower wavelengths produced higher energy and strength allowing the machinery to work quickly and more successfully than past lipo laser mechanisms. The relation of lower wavelength and higher strength in these fantastic lipo laser machines can make it more challenging to create without causing harm towards the human body. This is why the cost of these machines are exorbitant. However, the quality and ability to produce desired results tend to win over consumers.

The Development and Advantages of the Generations

Evolution within the vast generations of lipo laser machines have modified over some time. Current machines contain more stability than earlier generations. The previous generations had diodes that would easily cease working during a session, which would cause the client to reschedule for another appointment. Today, this is not an issue. Modern diodes are strong and secure, allowing liposuction to have a pleasing result afterwards. In third-generation lipo laser machinery, unavailability or inactivity rarely happens because of its advanced stability.

In addition to stability, longer lifespan is present within newer generations. The first and second generations contained weaker diodes, causing them to last for a few thousand hours. This has changed in the third generation diodes. Diodes of this modern generation can last up to 10,000 hours (more than twice the duration of older models). Patients can be treated quicker and more efficiently because of this fact, thus allowing more patients to be treated at a faster pace than with older generations of machines.

Another important detail about diodes is the density. Diode density will formulate improved results for patients, especially if the diodes are arranged similarly to one another. Treatment can be completed faster and at a lower cost. As said previously, older generations of machines created higher wavelengths, which created weaker effectiveness. These older generations had a decreased density in their diodes. Because of these disadvantages, these obsolete first generation machines could not compete against today's models. Second generation will always be better than the primary generation, but third generation trumps the latter.

By choosing the amount of energy to create, the depth of penetration can be determined. The higher the wavelength, the deeper the machine can penetrate the body surface. Lower wavelengths, though containing higher energy, will produce penetration that is stronger and more desirable. Contemporary LED machines have an exceptional ability to penetrate.

In terms of wattage, the machines have improved drastically over time, and the third generation delivers remarkable performance for little power. Wattage is a unit of measurement that measures the energy used by these lipo laser machines. Present-day machines strengthen by using less wavelengths, but also using less wattage in each diode. Diodes in the first generation of machines used 10 to 20 milliwatts. Today's diodes go as low as 5 milliwatts in each diode. As density, number of diodes in each paddle, and laser emission has increased, the decline of watts for each diode has allowed energy consumption and cost maintain an equilibrium. Today's generation of machines use wattage that has decreased from 30 to 10 (or less) watts. Very impressive!

While the third generation exists, more people have seen more from the first two generations as they have been around for longer. However, the third generation is quickly finding its way into the clinics. The adaptation rate has been very fast, from what I have observed. The modern health clinics and the end users have clearly started realizing the incredible benefits of modern machines. Today, the first and second generation machines reign in terms of awareness and usage in business.

If I can assist in any way possible, such as by clarifying information or anything else, please contact me by calling my direct number: 1-888-547-5296. I look forward to the discussion.

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